Now a days I feel that search engines became very smart and fast,so you should be very confident about what you are going to write(or say..).I have spent more time in the SEO and have seen many changes in search engine first know about latest Search engine's Algorithm as follows:
Google SEO: Google like lengthy content,no hidden texts or links on the web checks the keyword density also.high competitive keywords needs low keyword density and low competitive keywords needs high keyword density (not so much) as I had described in my last posting.use one way links but only from topic related sites. the best way to generate one way links, use social bookmarking bookmarking) also helps your site for getting more visits,traffic and PR.
Yahoo SEO: Yahoo does not like link exchange (reciprocal links)from any site. it use on page factors mostly. the best way to promote your site on Yahoo create some high keyword density keyword content(Compare than Google).Social bookmarking is also useful in yahoo Optimization.
MSN SEO: Msn likes absolute Urls. never show 100% keyword density nor repeat keywords again in title bar. your description must be meaningful and make a complete sense.
susheel singh
Friday, April 18, 2008
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